Student Information Tab


This is a required field for every account and must be unique within the district.


You can use the Student number here or assign a different Serving number.


Last Name / First Name


Date of Birth



Transfers and withdrawals:


Billing Account#

This is the billing number for this account. Usually it is the same as the Student #, but you can set up special billing accounts for catering or for families where students at the same school can share payments. Please see Billing Accounts.


Special Message

Confirm Special Message

If you check the Confirm Special Message box in the Control File, cashiers will have to confirm any special messages as students are served.

Status: Current

This shows the current status for this account.

2 = Free Student

3 = Reduced Student

4 = Paying Student

5 = Withdrawn Student

6 = Teacher

7 = Adult

8 = School Food Service Employee

9 = Catered



Special Restrictions on Status Changes

You must have security rights to Allow Changing Status (under System Management: Security: User Group Setup: Preferences) to make any changes here.

If you are using Meals Plus Student Eligibility, you can only change a status to 2 (free) or 3 (reduced) if it is before the Meal Benefit Expiration date for the student's site.

After the Meal Benefit Expiration date, any status changes for free and reduced students must be done through the Student Eligibility program. This is necessary to protect your free and reduced data for auditing purposes.

Please refer to Student Eligibility documentation for more information on Meal Benefit Expiration dates.


Status: Previous

This is updated automatically whenever a status is changed.


Status Changes

 If there is a status change pending on this account, it will show the future status and date here.  Otherwise, it will show when this status became effective.



This is a running total of all payments for this account. You must have security rights to Allow Changing Balance (under Preferences) to make changes here.

Changes made here will NOT show on Daily Deposit.



This is a running total of all purchases for this account. You must have security rights to Allow Changing Balance (under Preferences) to make changes here.

Changes made here will NOT show on Daily Deposit.



This displays the account balance based on the transactions entered for this account.

On this screen, the balance can only be changed by changing Payments or Purchases. You must have POS security rights to Allow Changing Balance (under Preferences) to make any changes here.

Payments/Purchases cannot be changed if the Site is also being changed. In that case, you would need to make two separate changes to the account.


If you change a balance here, it will NOT affect the day’s cash reports (Meal Summary and Daily Deposit), but there will be a balance change record in the Transaction History under Adjustments.