This screen displays a summary of all the information that has been entered.
Application Date will display the date entered on Step 2.
Application Total Annual Income displays the household’s total annual income.
SSN displays the head of household’s SSN.
Consolidated Income displays the head of household’s income.
Household Name displays the head of household name entered in Step 2.
Family Size displays the calculated number based on the number of names that were entered on all screens. It is used for determining status for income applications.
If the applicant states that they do not wish to receive free or reduced lunch, check the Declined Benefits box.
All the Student information for this application is displayed here.
The STU# is a hyperlink. Click the student’s number to open the POS: Student: Account Setup form.
The Effective Date for all positive changes is today’s date.
If the user is assigned to a User Group that has been given rights to change the Effective Date, the user will be allowed to set the Effective Date to a date less than/before today's date. Before using this feature, please refer to page 53 of the USDA Eligibility Manual.
Check WD if you need to Withdraw a student.
All other household members and their income is displayed here.
Click in the white box if you want to make Notes about this application. They will be saved along with the application.
Check the Incomplete Application box is the application is not complete. This can be changed at any time once the application is complete.
Buttons at the bottom of the screen
Click Close to return to the main screen without saving anything.
Click Notes to open the Notes area for this application.
Click Prev to return to the previous screens for review and editing.
Click Save when you have verified that everything is correct.
A message stating Application Saved Successfully will display and assign the family number.
Then you can
click ,
go back to the main screen.
©2019 EMS LINQ, Inc.
Student Eligibility, revised 7/2018