This is where you enter the information for the person who signed the application.
Select an option from the Special Verification Status section to exclude an application from verification, or to mark an application for manual verification. You must have security rights to update this section.
If you selected students from your Meals Plus database, the first student’s parent information will be filled in for you, but you can make changes. This will not update the parent information that is in POS.
Enter a name in the Last/First text fields.
Income applications, USDA requires that an adult household member must
sign the form and list the last four digits of their Social Security Number,
or indicate that they do not have a SSN. Applications that are missing
any required information should not be processed.
If only four digits are entered, it will be automatically formatted as the last four digits, with X as the first five digits. If you enter a nine-digit Household SSN has already been used, you will get a warning message but it will allow the duplicate.
Select the language to be used for letters from the Language dropdown list. If you skip this field, it defaults to English.
Release Info is used to indicate if a family has given permission to release information to outside agencies. The Release Categories are set up in the Control File.
Select an option from the Special Verification Status section to exclude an application from verification, or to mark an application for manual verification. You must have security rights to update this section.
Enter the head of household’s income in the Income text field and select the frequency from the dropdown list.
Click if
you want to go back to review the previous screens.
continue to the HouseholdMembers screen.
©2019 EMS LINQ, Inc.
Student Eligibility, revised 7/2018