Students who were approved for free or reduced lunch in a previous school
year are allowed a grace period at the beginning of the next year. They
are allowed to continue to receive benefits based on last year’s applications
for a period of time (usually 30 days) after the new school year begins.
Meal Benefit Expiration (MBE) is used to set up expiration dates for the carry-over statuses for students who do not submit a new lunch application for the new school year.
On the expiration date that you specify, all of last year’s status 2 and 3 students that have not been submitted new applications will become status 4 (paid).
You can set up multiple expiration dates if you have school calendars with different starting dates (for example, Year Round and Traditional). You only need one MBE date for each starting date in your school calendars.
ClickClearto clear the screen to set up a new MBE date.
This grid displays the created MBE dates.
Highlight a row in the upper grid to select it for editing purposes.
Enter a description (Examples: Traditional, Year Round) in the Description text field.
Select the expiration date from the Expiration Date text field. It must be a future date.
Select the number of days for the period of the New Application Grace Period, which applies to students eating off of last year’s status (2 or 3) with the submission of a new application this year that results in an adverse change BEFORE the MBE date chosen.
Select the number of days for the grace period for the Modified ApplicationGrace Period for adverse changes with new applications and for modifications to existing applications AFTER the MBE date chosen.
Check the Site Groups or Sites that expire on that date from the lower grid.
How it works
On the first login to POS, Student Eligibility or Accountability that occurs on or after the expiration date:
Students with expired statuses will automatically be set to status 4.
No further grace period is allowed and no letters are generated.
After the expiration date, any status changes must be done from Student Eligibility.
No status changes will be allowed from POS Account Setup, Imports, or from the Status Change Utility.
For Transfers and Re-enroll of status 5 students from Import:
It checks the MBE date for the site the student is transferring or re-enrolling into.
If the MBE date has passed for that site, it sets the status to 4 if there is no application on file.
This report located under Reports will give a list of students who either had their status changed because of MBE or are expected to have their status change when their MBE is run.
©2019 EMS LINQ, Inc.
Student Eligibility, revised 7/2018