Manage Application

This is where you can view and modify existing applications.  

Using the Search Screen

Examples:  If you want all the last names that begin with A through C, select Student Name, type A in the Frombox, C in the Tobox, and clickGO.

If you want a specific Family number, select Family#, type the number in the Frombox and clickGO.


What is a Family Number?

Family # is an ID# that identifies a specific household application. It is assigned automatically the first time the application saved.


Sample Search Screen:



Upper Grid

This displays all the documents currently attached to this record.


o   File Namecan be changed and Comments added as needed.

Details Section

This section displays the File Name and type, when it was uploaded and by whom. 


©2019 EMS LINQ, Inc.

Student Eligibility, revised 10/2018