Control File

This section contains information that applies to the entire district. There are four tabs: General, Contact Info, Release Categories and Scanning.

General Tab

Unit Code and Unit Name are established under licensing and cannot be edited here.

School Fiscal Year


Contact Info Tab

This tab is used to enter the contact information for the Director and Hearing Officer.

o   The names and addresses on this screen may be inserted into notification letters.

Release Categories Tab

This section is optional. It can be used if your application form has a place where the family can give permission to release information to outside agencies.

Scanning Tab

This sets your preferences for handling duplicates when scanning applications.

Report Defaults Tab

This sets your default preference for some reports.  This setting is for the following reports:

o  When creating reports, the report will only yield results based on the setting here.

Household Categorical Case Types

This is where you can add case types to be used on student applications. 

Household Categorical Case Types added here will display for selection in the student application wizard.

Medicaid, TANF, SNAP, FDPIR and Other are pre-added by Meals Plus.


o Case Types have a maximum of 15 characters.

o Case Types cannot be edited/renamed once they have been used.

o Case Types that were pre-added by Meals Plus cannot be deleted but can be disabled if not assigned to any applications.