First use the search screen to open the existing application.
Then on the Preview
screen, click .
Correct or update the information on a student.
Transfer a student by changing the school selection.
Status can be changed or updated. If a student was Direct Certification and is changed to Household Declined, a notification letter will generate for the student.
When Modifying Imported Application, the Report as Extended Benefits checkbox will be automatically checked on the screen if benefits are extended.
DC apps that originate from DC Import will automatically be checked if benefits were extended to students that were not in the import file.
Applications that originate from only have one Case # that applies to the entire household, so the Report as Extended Benefits checkbox will not be checked.
When Modifying Existing Applications, the user can check or uncheck 'Extended' on any student.
The Report as Extended Benefits checkbox will be checked automatically when benefits are automatically extended when processing the application; the user will not need to check it manually.
If the Report as Extended Benefits checkbox is checked manually on the screen, it will only be saved if the student does not have his or her own Case #, and there is another student with a Case # (or DC Case Type) on the application.
Unchecking the Report as Extended Benefits checkbox on the screen will remove the student from Extended Benefits Report, but their benefits will not be affected.
Change income amounts and frequency.
Change the H/M/R or Special Verification status.
more students by using the button.
If a student leaves a household, use the Delete button to remove them from the application. The student’s POS status changes to 4 immediately, with no ten-day waiting period.
Correct the Address or parent name.
Change income amounts and frequency.
If you modify an application and do not change the Application Date, you will get this message to confirm the date:
The original application date is highlighted on the calendar.
Add or remove additional household members.
Change income amounts and frequency.
Make any corrections or changes and continue to Review and Save.
To withdraw a student, check the WD box on the final screen. The change is effective immediately in STU and POS.
The Effective Date for all positive changes will display as today’s date.
If the user is assigned to a User Group that has been given rights to change the Effective Date, the user will be allowed to set the Effective Date to a datethat is prior to today's date. Before using this feature, please refer to page 53 of the USDA Eligibility Manual.
Effective date must be in the current Fiscal Year.
Effective date must be the same as or after the application date.
User must have rights to 'Allow Past Effective Date' in System Management: Security: User Group: Student Eligibility.
If there is an Adverse Change (from free or reduced to paid, or from free to reduced), the effective date of the change will be based on the Grace Period settings in Meal Benefit Expiration. But you can change the date on the final screen if the grace period should not apply (for correcting errors, etc.)
Click the Notes button to add notes for this application.
If either the Status or Application Date changes, it will automatically reset the Letter Printed flags so new letters will print the next time letters are run.
Student personal information and meal status updated on an Incomplete Application will not be saved. However, the following information will be saved if updated:
Incomplete Applications cannot be selected for verification.
You cannot check the incomplete application box when modifying an application that was selected for verification.
You can, however, select Deny As Incomplete in the Results Input screen.
If a student is on an incomplete application and is also marked as Direct Certification, you must review the application and manually uncheck the incomplete application box if necessary.
©2019 EMS LINQ, Inc.
Student Eligibility, revised 7/2018