Vendor Setup

The Vendor file includes all the vendor information needed for ordering and receiving inventory and updating the General Ledger for Purchase Orders and Invoices.

At least one vendor is required before you set up Inventory Items.

Purchase Order Address Tab


Electronic File Setup

This information is needed only if you will be sending orders electronically. This is accessed from the Vendor Setup: Purchase Order Address screen.


Electronic File Format tab

Vendor’s Customer Info tab

This tab is for entering the Customer Site IDs that the vendor uses to identify Meals Plus sites in their records.

You only need to fill in this information in if you selected Customer/Contract ID on the File Format tab OR if you are using the pre-defined US Food export format.

The vendor should provide you a list of Customer IDs, if they are required.

There can be two different customer ID’s per site:

Vendor Mapping

This determines which general ledger vendor is used when Meals PlusInventory updates the LINQ or Sunpac general ledger for Purchase Orders or Invoices.


Upper Grid

Lower Grid


Set up a new mapping

Remittance Address Tab


If you are going to map the Vendor to the general ledger, you can leave the address information blank and synchronize the address info when you save the mapping.

Document Cabinet

The Document Cabinet is available for many functions within Inventory.  With this, you are able to add documents to the record and the information is one central location.

Upper Grid

This displays all the documents currently attached to this record.


Details Section

This section displays the File Name and type, when it was uploaded and by whom. 

©2019 EMS LINQ Inc.

INV Version 9, revised 07/2018