Coming Soon: The Meals Plus Customer Cookbook, Filled with the Best Lunchroom Recipes from Across the Country!

To show our appreciation to YOU – our Meals Plus Customers – we are publishing our first edition of the ‘Meals Plus Customer Cookbook’! This free cookbook will be filled with the most popular recipes from school cafeterias across the country in an effort to help increase participation in the lunchroom, while still meeting USDA meal pattern regulations. It will also include creative promotional ideas, Meals Plus software tips, and advice from our Child Nutrition Operations Consultant, Cynthia Sevier, SNS.

Tell us which recipes have your students rushing back to your lunchline! To include your favorite lunchroom recipes in the Meals Plus Customer Cookbook, please email them to and we will take care of the rest. You may submit more than one recipe, and we guarantee at least one recipe from each school district submitting will be included in the book. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, July 29, 2015.

Every Meals Plus Customer will receive one cookbook free of charge, and additional copies will be available for purchase.
