This report shows records that could not be imported.
Enter a date in the From/To fields or check the ALL Dates box to include import logs from all dates.
Select a type from the Type dropdown list.
o False Duplicates is when the same Student # is used for more than one student name.
o Invalid Student Number is when the student # is invalid because it is less than 101 or the number is reserved for generic accounts.
o Invalid Serving Number is when the serving # is invalid because it is less than 101 or the number is reserved for generic accounts.
oDuplicate Serving Number is when the serving# has already been assigned to another student.
o Invalid Site is when the site does not exist in Point of Sale.
o Invalid Enroll Flag is when the enroll value did not match defined E or W value.
o Duplicate Entry is when the same student is in the import file twice.
o Removed from Verification is a list of students that were withdrawn and therefore, their application was removed from verification.
o Invalid Meal Status is when a meal status in the import is not mapped to a valid (2, 3 , 4, or 5) status.
Click Preview and then Print to print the log with reason codes attached.
A Windows Log was added to the import log that to display the success or failure status of an auto import by the Meals Plus Service.
Enter a date in the From/To fields or check the ALL Dates box to include Windows logs from all dates.
Click Refresh. A list of the logs will display in the grid,
Click on a Message Type and description of the error or general information will display in the Message box.
©2019 EMS LINQ, Inc.
SYS Version 9, revised 2/2019