Verification Selection Reports
You can print or reprint Selection verification
reports from this screen. (Verification
Detail and Verification Summary reports will be disabled until that
part of verification process
has been completed.)
If you have closed prior fiscal years, those
reports are also available as read-only.
Summary report shows the number of applications on file at the
time the selection process was run and the number selected. It includes
the Pre-Verification counts of the SFA Verification Summary.
List report displays
all the applications that have been selected for verification.
- The report will be grouped by
four reasons as to why the application was selected:
- Category – the application
satisfies the Verification Configuration Case Number % requirement.
- Category Random – the application
satisfies the Verification Configuration Case Number % requirement but
there were not enough to meet the criteria, so an application was selected
at Random to satisfy this need.
- Income – the application
satisfies the Verification Configuration Error Prone Limit requirement.
- Income Random – the application
satisfies the Verification Configuration Error Prone Limit requirement
but there were not enough to meet the criteria, so an application was
selected at Random to satisfy this need.
- At
the end of the Selection List there is a summary of the groupings.
- If
you decline to verify any applications, you will need to run the Selection
List again. The replacement applications will be marked with an asterisk.
Student Eligibility, revised 7/2018