Item Setup

The Item table is a list of all items served, with corresponding prices and nutritional information.

There is one item table for all schools in the district. This will ensure that items are managed and priced consistently for all schools in the district.

You can control which items each cashier serves under Item Access Setup.

Item Setup Form

Complete the following form to set up an item:

Search and View

Search by: Description

View B, L, O, or  ALL


Upper Grid

Displays items based on Search by: or chosen View.


Middle of Form

Item ID

NOTE:You can number the items any way you like. However, if you want it to convert supplemental sales to reimbursable breakfasts or lunches, you must have item number 001 as nutrition code 1 for Breakfast / Lunch.

If you are not using a touch screen, we recommend using matching numbers for items that are served frequently during breakfast and lunch, since cashiers will be entering item numbers when serving. (Example: Milk could be item number 003 at both meals.)


This is the full description of the item. It accepts up to 30 characters.

Short Desc

You can enter an abbreviated description here for use on the serving screen. If you leave this blank, it will use the first 15 characters of the long description.

Nutrition Code

Alternate Item

This is used with Offline Mode. It only applies to reimbursable meals (Nutrition Code 1).

Convert Amount

Convert Amount allows the user to assign a serving size, defined by grade, for fruit and vegetables. 

Item Category

Once a color has been assigned to an Item Category, it will show in this dropdown list so it can selected.


Color Manager

On the serving screen, items are color-coded based on the Nutrition code. The pre-installed default colors are:

To change the color settings for your entire district:

Nutrition Code

Item Category


Lower Grid—Price Grid


Grade 00 is the default value that will be used if the grade is not specified.

If the same prices apply for all grades, you do not need to set up any more grade rows here.


State Reimbursable

Prohibit Item by Status

This allows you to prohibit sales of this item for a group of accounts, based on status code.

Example:if an item is not to be served to students, select that item, click Prohibit, and check the boxes for Free, Reduced and Student (Paid.)

Assign Users to Items

Converting Supplemental Sales to Reimbursable Meals

If you do not want to use the conversion feature, just use nutrition code X for all your a la carte items instead of the component codes M, P, V and B.


©2018 EMS LINQ, Inc.

POS Version 9, revised 03/2018