The buttons includes the
button and the
Documents Button
The Document Cabinet enables the user to add documents to the record and the information is one central location.
Click to
add documents to an application.
Upper Grid
This displays all the documents currently attached to this record.
Select any record to display more details below. Any comments along with whom and when the document was added to this record will display.
Click Upload New to add a new document that has been saved on your computer.
Click Scan New to scan and add a new document directly to this application.
To remove a document, highlight the document in the grid and click Remove.
Click View to view an existing document. The document will open in read-only status.
Click Export to export a document out of ISIS. A browse box to select where to save the document will appear. Choose location to export the document and Save.
Details Section
This section displays the File Name and type, when it was uploaded and by whom.
Enter any comments about the document in the Comments text box.
Nutritional information is a summary of the original recipe.
The created ingredient can be used in other recipes.
If the original recipe is updated, the ingredient will update automatically.
A recipe can only be converted to an ingredient once.
Update the Ingredient Name, if different from the recipe name.
Select an Ingredient Group from the dropdown list.
Enter a Source in the text field.
Enter the Measurement Conversion in the text field.
This report will print the step-by-step directions, ingredients, HACCP notes and nutrients per serving.
Click to view
a printed version of the recipe.
Select the Serving Size and click Print to display the Preview.
Click the printer icon on the preview screen to send the report to the printer.
If you need a new recipe that is similar to an existing one,
you can copy it by clicking the button
and then edit the copy. Example:You could copy a basic cookie recipe
and add nuts or raisins.